If you are on social media, you will also come across photo dumps. These are collections of photos in the feed of an account
What are photo dumps?
Photo dumps are special posts on social media platforms that consist of various images. This series of images often tells a story or belongs to a specific topic.
- Photo dumps are categorically different from normal posts in your feed. The images are often created within a specific period of time and therefore form a context. This in turn gives your followers an authentic impression.
- Since 2023, photo dumps have been very popular on Facebook or Instagram and are tagged with the appropriate hashtags photodump or photodumps. There are now well over 4 million posts on Instagram that are associated with photodump
- The trend started during the global COVID-19 pandemic and the subsequent lockdowns and quarantines. At that time, many people longed for real connections. Photo dumps are usually informative, unedited and promote a sense of closeness or connection. This type of down-to-earth content is especially important for the younger generation, who demand far more authenticity with social media than other, earlier generations.
How to create a photo dump
You can easily create a photo dump on your social media channel. First, simply create a series of images. It’s best to always opt for high-quality, sharp and natural images – these always go down well with your followers.
- First think about a topic. Then select suitable photos that are suitable for your photo dump. Please note, however, that the images should each tell a story, come from an event or form a context.
- Although photo dumps usually appear very natural to the viewer, you should make a strategic image selection. The collection therefore fits perfectly with your account.
- In addition to images, you can also include a mixture of videos or GIFs in your photo dump. This creates an interesting post that is not only fun for you, but also for your followers.
- Once you have found the right media, choose the order in which you want your photo dump to appear on your channel. Also consider whether the arrangement makes sense and looks balanced. For example, if you want to post several pictures of an event, the farewell should be at the end and not at the beginning. Therefore, check whether your post is well thought out and polished.
- In the next step, you have the option of editing the images and videos with filters. This allows you to add the finishing touches to your photo or video collection. After editing, add a suitable description and hashtags to the photo dump before publishing your photo or video collection in your feed