Mount and Blade 2: Bannerlord multiplayer includes several game modes that allow you to engage in exciting battles with other players
Bannerlord – these game modes are available in multiplayer
There are five different game modes available in Bannerlord multiplayer. Two of them are already known from the predecessor Warband. In addition to the official servers, there is always the option of setting up your own servers. One option is to rent game servers and play private matches with friends, for example.
- Battle Mode throws up to 120 players onto one of the four maps. Each of the 120 fighters has only one life per round. At the start of a new round, defeated participants re-enter the game. To play a unit, however, you need enough money, which you earn during the battle. The stronger the unit, the more expensive it is and the more painful it is if it dies during the battle.
- Skirmish Mode is much more compact with twelve players and, with an average playing time of 20 minutes, is also shorter than Battle Mode. You only control a single unit and fight together with your five teammates to capture flags, completely wipe out the opposing team and completely deplete their morale. You emerge as the winner when you have won three out of five rounds, known as “Best of 5” (Bo5).
- The Team Deathmatch mode works in a similar way to its predecessor, Mount & Blade: Warband. Make sure that your team, consisting of 49 players, kills more players than the opposing team. With every kill and every support from the other members, you earn points for your own team. The better you perform, the more money you have available to buy stronger units.
- In Captain Mode, you and five companions each control your own squad of NPCs and capture flags on the map. Destroy all opponents or reduce the morale of the opposing team to 0 to emerge victorious in a round. Here, too, the game is played according to the Bo5 principle. Captain Mode is similar to Skirmish Mode, but has a little more tactical depth, as you command a squad in addition to your character.
- Siege Mode delivers siege battles with all the trimmings. Here, too, two teams compete against each other, with one of the teams defending the fortress and the other trying to capture it. Using equipment such as battering rams and siege towers, the attackers must gain entry and capture certain points to keep morale high.