Ultima in Final Fantasy 16 is the strongest weapon in the game, which you can only obtain via the New Game Plus. You need certain materials for it
Final Fantasy 16: Unlock Ultima weapon via New Game Plus
Final Fantasy 16 makes it very easy for you to unlock the Ultima weapon. You can obtain the blueprint as follows:
- Of course, you have to play through the game once and then start a New Game Plus. This is the Final Fantasy mode:
- Then play Final Fantasy 16 as you did in the first run. From the main quest Monstrosities (number 28) onwards, you will receive a series of quests from August that you must complete: His Fortune’s Blacksmith
- This series of side quests is also necessary for crafting the Twilight of the Gods in the first run of the game. It is also divided into four side quests that you must complete.
- On completion of the quest line, you will receive the blueprint and the Refined Ragnarok. This weapon is the basis of the Ultima weapon and you should not sell it.
Final Fantasy 16: Materials for the Ultima Weapon
Once you have unlocked the blueprint for the Ultima Weapon, all you need to do is obtain the following materials:
- The Ultima Weapon requires the Word of Creation, which is already in your inventory at the start of New Game Plus. Furthermore, the Refined Ragnarok is important, which you should also already have at this point in time
- You will need another sword: the Refined Eternal Shadow. You make the sword from the Refined Icebrand, a Flawless Dark Shard, eight Flawless Meteor Stones and 800 Fangs.
- You will receive these materials automatically during the course of the game, especially if you forge the latest weapons and defeat numerous enemies. The Flawless Dark Shard, on the other hand, is obtained as a reward for the main quest The Last King by defeating Odin
- You will also need three pieces of Orichalcum. You can obtain Orichalcum either via the hunting objectives Atlas, Gochimära, Svarog and Behemoth or the side missions Eternal Duty 2 and A New Yoke 2.
- Also essential are the two pieces of Flawless Darksteel available in the game. You can loot Dark Steel from two specific hunting targets. You can find Thanatos at the map marker In the Shadow of Titan (Dhalmekia) and the Prince of Death at Cape Orsière in the Holy Empire of Sanbrèque.
- Last but not least, you need to find the Flawless Hunting Horn. You can get this from the rank A hunting target Gobermouch. The goblin is located in the north-western area of Eistla in Waluth
- Gather all the materials, go to Blackthorn and forge the Ultima Weapon. You will receive the powerful sword (attack and fighting spirit: 700) and can use it for the rest of the game.