What is a hipster? Originally a follower of a jazz movement from the 60s, which was primarily concerned with gaining distance from stuffiness
That’s a hipster
The Duden dictionary defines a hipster as someone who knows everything that is modern.
- In addition to fashion consciousness, hipsters are very interested in politics and current affairs. They deal with many philosophical questions
- Hipsters are particularly interested in ethics, which is why you will often find vegetarians or vegans among them.
- Hipsters reject mass consumption and generally tend to wear vintage clothing that they either get second-hand from friends or from second-hand stores or flea markets. They also like to wear clothes by designers that nobody knows yet. As soon as these become famous and are sold in mass production, hipsters look for the next trend so as not to be steered towards mass consumption.
- Hipsters tend to listen to less well-known music, such as indie bands. As soon as these become more famous, hipsters do the same with them as they do with designer clothes: they look for the next trend.
characteristics of a hipster
One thing that almost all hipsters have in common is an unusual style of dress. In general, however, hipsters do not want to be restricted by an ideal of fashion or beauty.
- Everything that was fashionable around 30-40 years ago can also be seen on hipsters: Tight jeans, colorful sneakers and, for example, glasses with a thick frame, reminiscent of the horn-rimmed glasses of 1970.
- Many hipsters carry a jute bag with a political inscription. These can be used not only as a university bag but also as a shopping bag. As a jute bag lasts a very long time and you don’t have to buy plastic bags when shopping, less plastic waste is produced
- Flannel shirts in particular are also very popular.
- Men often wear a so-called man bun. This is basically a bun, just for men.
- You can find some examples of typical hipster items and clothing in our picture gallery.