Mockbusters are so-called free riders in the film industry. They exploit the fame of larger films to make a profit themselves
What’s behind a mockbuster
A mockbuster sounds like a big blockbuster being made fun of. But in fact, it is not just a spoof but rather a cheap copy of a box office hit. This gives mockbusters some advantages.
- Firstly, the producers of such mockbusters exploit the marketing tour of the actual blockbuster to attract attention themselves. This is achieved by releasing the mockbusters at almost the same time as the matching blockbuster. They go into production as soon as the first details of the blockbuster become known
- In addition, mockbusters often have very similar names and storylines to their big role models and can cause some confusion for those less familiar with movies. They then mistakenly consume the counterfeit instead of the original and buy the corresponding merchandise products.
- The term mockbuster is an abbreviation for the term mock-up blockbuster. The English mockup refers less to a parody and more to a replica of an original or a mock-up.
- The term knockbuster, short for knock-off blockbuster, also circulates as a synonym for mockbuster. Knockoff means a copy
- Mockbusters are a balancing act between cheap original ideas of significantly poorer quality and a plagiarism of the original. However, claims of plagiarism are often not upheld, as the filmmakers of the cheap copy can always plead that a similar story is far from identical to the other film.
- For viewers, mockbusters are sometimes very entertaining, while lesser-known actors and actresses can use mockbusters as a training platform.
Examples for Mockbuster
Mockbusters are usually produced much more cheaply, which is why the picture quality as well as the story told and the content often leave a lot to be desired. But that’s not what the makers are after. They want to take advantage of the upswing generated by the actual blockbuster. For some, however, mockbusters have simply become cult.
- So there are mockbusters of big films like “Iron Man” as well as Pixar animated films like “Ratatouille”. Works such as “Metal Man” and the Brazilian “Ratatoing” are then created as a cheap counterpart.
- Transformers, for example, also has the cheap knock-off “Transmorphers”. The mockbuster “Pirates of Treasure Island” was also released for the start of “Pirates of the Caribbean” with Johnny Depp and Orlando Bloom.
- Mockbusters exist for almost every major film. However, these films are not shown in cinemas like the blockbusters.