An Evil Omen is a special status effect in Minecraft that can be applied to game ends. This can trigger dangerous raids
Evil Omen: Status in Minecraft explained
When you explore the Minecraft overworld, you may encounter Illager patrols.
- These consist of an irregular number of Illagers, each of which has a robber captain. The captains can be recognized by the ominous banner they carry on their backs. You can also find these NPCs in outposts:
- If you kill the bandit captain, you will receive the Evil Omen status. The effectiveness of the omen increases depending on the level of the robber captain and the amount you kill.
- The Evil Omen is only cast on your character if you or your dog kill the robber captain directly. Indirect kill variants such as a fall into the depths do not count.
- When you receive the status, it is displayed in a small animation. It remains on your character for a period of 100 minutes.
- If you enter a village with the Evil Omen, a raid is started. The Illagers are taking revenge on the village for their slain captains and you have led them there.
- The intensity of the raid is determined by the level of the Evil Omen. The more captains you have killed, the bigger the robbery will be.
Bad omen in Minecraft: cancel status
To cancel the Evil Omen in Minecraft, you need the appropriate items.
- Get yourself a portion of milk. To do this, pick up an empty bucket and click on a cow, goat or mushroom cow.
- Alternatively, you can simply let your character die. This will also cancel all effects.
- This is not possible during a raid. The evil omen disappears as soon as the robbery ends. However, if you want to cancel the effect during the raid, the raid will not be canceled.