You may have already noticed the trend of keeping giant snails as pets. Here’s what you need to know about it
Giant snails as pets: All you need to know
You are probably already following the giant snail trend, especially on social media.
- Because there are numerous photos and videos circulating of people who keep giant snails as pets.
- These are African giant snails, which, as the name suggests, come from Africa.
- These reach a size of around 8 to 20 centimetres.
- Due to their origin, it is also important to keep them correctly in this country. An average temperature of around 22 degrees and a humidity of around 80 to 90 percent are recommended. This can be easily regulated in a terrarium
- If you have acquired a giant snail, however, it is important that you adjust the humidity and temperature to the animal’s needs.
Possible dangers from the pet
For many people, it seems impossible that a snail poses a danger. However, this is not uncommon with giant snails.
- Because they can transmit some diseases that are not good for humans.
- Scientists from Switzerland have identified 36 pathogens, some of which can also be transmitted to humans. The results of their study were published in the journal “Parasites & Vectors”.
- For example, the rat lungworm is one of the pathogens that can cause meningitis.
- It can even be fatal, especially for children.
- Accordingly, it should be well thought out whether a giant snail is the right pet.
- Direct skin contact should be avoided in all cases.