It’s not just buyers who need to be on the lookout for scammers in classified ads. As a seller, you can also be scammed by fake buyers
Classified ads: Signs of fake buyers
Statistically speaking, 700 new ads are posted on classifieds every minute. However, fraudsters have long since stopped just posing as sellers of alleged products that they do not own. The crooks have become creative and exploit almost every method of fraud. We show you the typical signs of a fraudulent fake buyer:
- Quick inquiry: You have just placed your sales ad online and a potential buyer contacts you immediately. Criminals are looking for new fraud victims around the clock, especially for high-priced items.
- New user profile: If you receive a message from a prospective buyer, check immediately when the user profile was created. If this was created recently, it could indicate a possible scam
- No or negative ratings: Another indication is if the user has no or only negative reviews.
- No sales ads: You should also be cautious if the alleged buyer has never advertised a sale ad themselves.
- Kleinanzeigen warns: Even if a user profile has been registered for a long time, has advertised for sale in the past and has good ratings, this is by no means a guarantee. Fraudsters are increasingly taking over legitimate and genuine accounts for fraudulent purposes.
- Unsecure payment methods: The customer requests payment using dubious payment methods, which offer you as the seller no security.
- Other communication channels: Instead of using the chat function of classified ads, the user would prefer to use another communication channel, for example by e-mail or SMS (cell phone number).
- Purchase on “invoice”: Another risk for you is if the user first requests the goods but only wants to pay afterwards. Even if you have been sent an alleged ID photo as “security”, you should not accept this under any circumstances
- Photos/screenshots or emails: You receive screenshots or alleged emails from banks with bank transfers. As a result, buyers often exert psychological pressure on you. But first check for yourself whether the money has actually been credited to your account
- Identity card photo: If the buyer sends you proof of identity, for example in the form of an identity card, this is a clear sign of fraud and identity theft. Make absolutely sure that you never return your ID documents, as the fraudster can otherwise misuse them.
- No negotiation: A sign of fraud may also be if the buyer accepts the purchase price immediately without taking any action.
- Voucher: If the buyer demands that you also buy a gift voucher before shipping and enclose it with the shipment, you should not comply with this demand under any circumstances. This scam often occurs in connection with an alleged gift
- Shipping abroad: Another tip is if the goods are to be sent abroad.
- Transfer too high: An allegedly unplaced decimal point means, for example, that instead of 90.49 euros, 9,049 euros end up in your account. The buyer will ask you to transfer the overpayment back. This is a classic method of money laundering. In this case, you should contact the police to avoid making yourself liable to prosecution.
- Delivery address on file with PayPal: If the buyer uses the PayPal goods and services option, you should only ship to the delivery address on file with PayPal. Otherwise, you will not have proof of shipment in the event of a buyer protection case.
- Suspicious links: If you receive suspicious links where you are asked to enter your bank details, for example, you can also assume that you are being scammed.
- PayPal overpayment: The interested party sends you too much money using the PayPal goods and services option. He requests that the partial amount be refunded, but to a different PayPal account or with a new transaction. In the first transaction, he then applies for buyer protection. You should therefore only make a refund in the identical transaction using the “Refund” option
- Pressure: The buyer exerts psychological pressure on you to send the goods more quickly, even though you do not yet have the money. Do not respond to this, remain calm and under no circumstances make reckless decisions that you may regret later