Affiliate links are partner programmes of various online merchants. We provide the exact explanation.
What are affiliate links? You need to know
Meanwhile, there are many online merchants who use the system of affiliate links. Here’s what’s behind it:
- The offering companies boost sales with the so-called affiliate links. Website operators use them to refinance their own costs. These links lay the foundation for being able to charge commissions.
- A company creates a link with a unique code in order to assign the advertising customer. This advertising customer is, for example, a blogger who promotes certain products in his articles and provides them with this link.
- The potential buyer clicks on this link and is taken to the seller’s website. If a purchase is made through this link, the advertiser receives a commission for it.
- Such affiliate links are therefore a win-win for both sides. The online merchant can reach more customers and thus gets more traffic for his website and the advertiser gets an additional source of income through the commissions.
- For the potential buyer who orders an item through an affiliate link, there is no negative impact. He only pays the price that the online retailer advertises.