In God of War Ragnarok you defeat Heimdall in Vanaheim. First, however, you have to take care of his mount Gulltoppr.
Defeat Heimdall in God of War Rangarök: This is what happens in the 1st phase
Before you fight Heimdall, you have to kill his mount Gulltoppr.
- From time to time, the mount will charge at you. This is indicated by a red circle. Dodge this attack.
- Gulltoppr also attacks you with its front legs. Parry these attacks. After that you have time to counterattack.
- Another attack from Gulltoppr is indicated by a blue double circle and wild hopping. Use the shield strike and then counter.
- Use Spartan Rage and rune attacks to deal damage to Gulltoppr. Use all three weapons and switch between them. After an attack, Gulltoppr is defenceless for a while.
- However, Heimdall is not uninvolved in this first part of the fight. He attacks you with bifrost projectiles, announced by a blue light in his hand. After a short moment he hurls the spell in your direction. Dodge the projectiles.
- Heimdall can also charge Gulltoppr with Bifrost, causing an explosion. So as soon as he starts doing this, you should run as far away as possible to avoid being hit by the AoE attack.
This is how the fight against Heimdall continues
To defeat Heimdall, a little creativity is needed, as he dodges all attacks. You already know his attack behaviour from a previous quest.
- Generally, dodge bifrost attacks and red attacks.
- Use the Draupnir Spear. Throw it directly at Heimdall, who will catch it in response. Then you can make the spear explode. Unfortunately, this attack only works once.
- To inflict further damage on Heimdall, throw your spear into the ground and lure him there. Once he is close enough, explode the tip of the spear. After a few of these attacks, Heimdall will briefly become defenceless. Run towards him and attack him. To activate a wrestling scene.
- Use the attacks with the Draupnir Spear until the life bar is empty. Then the next phase of the battle begins.
This is how you fight your way through the last phase
Heimdall gets all his health back and it’s into the final phase of the fight. His attacks are a little faster now.
- Heimdall now has an attack where he slows down time. You can either block or dodge this. However, as he can dash forward, ideally roll to the sides and not away to the back.
- The attack that follows after Heimdall thrusts his sword into the ground can only be blocked with a shield strike. Immediately afterwards you should attack in melee.
- Heimdall now also throws boulders. You should also avoid these.
- Always use the time after Heimdall’s attacks. Do as much damage as possible to him in close combat before he attacks you again.