Profiles on Xing are mostly visited specifically, but sometimes also by chance. We show you how you can obtain information about your profile visitors.
See profile visitors on Xing – how to do it?
Unfortunately, if you use the free basic Xing account, you will only get very little information about your profile visitors. Only the paid Xing Premium subscription allows deeper insights.
- Open your profile on Xing. Here you will find the “Visitors & Statistics” section. Click on the button “All visitors”. Alternatively, use this link.
- You can now see who has visited your profile for the last 7, 30 or 90 days. Besides a blurred photo, you can see the date and time of the visit as well as the user’s job title. You don’t get more information than that.
- If “External visit” is displayed as the user, your Xing account was accessed by an unregistered (or not logged in) user via Google search.
- Any further information is not available free of charge. For this you need a Xing Premium membership. Depending on the duration, you pay 11.95 euros or 9.95 euros per month. As a student you receive a 50 percent discount.
- With the Premium Membership you can, among other things, view the profiles of your visitors. In addition, statistics tell you how often the visitor was on your profile and which search terms led the visitor to you.