Many people don’t know how to correctly indicate an expected degree, for example, a high school diploma or a completed degree, in their CV. In this practical tip you can find out more about this.
It’s easy to state your expected degree in your CV
Under the heading Education, inform your future employer about the qualifications you have obtained so far. If an educational qualification is still in the future, here are two examples of how to mention this correctly in your CV. CVs are always structured in descending order, so your expected degree is at the top. You can also give an estimate of your final grade.
- 05/2019 expected: Realschulabschluss with very good results. 09/2013 – 05/2019: sample secondary school in Munich. 09/2009 – 09/2013: sample primary school in Starnberg.
- 8/2015 – 05/2019: Expected Bachelor of Arts degree at Beispiel University in Munich.
- Abbreviations for “probably” are not advisable, as this can lead to misunderstandings. Therefore, refrain from using: vors., vorss., vrstl., vrsl., vssl., vstl., or vsl.
- If your expected final grade is required in the application, you may also indicate your current grade point average. A copy of your most recent transcript is also possible.