You can use the Twitter Advanced Search to quickly find a specific tweet. There are various options for narrowing down the search.
Twitter Advanced Search: How to use the function
Twitter Advanced Search is a tool that allows you to search the platform for words, phrases, hashtags, people and times.
- You can access Twitter’s advanced search via this page. Alternatively, enter the desired search term in the search bar, click on the three dots on the right and select “Advanced search”.
- Under “All these words” you can specify which words should be included in the tweet in each case. If the order does not matter, put the words in inverted commas, for example “chip” and “search”.
- If you are looking for tweets that have the exact word order, use the search box “This exact phrase” or write the exact word order in quotes, for example “chip search”.
- If tweets are to contain at least one search term out of several, enter them at “Any of these words”. Alternatively, write “chip or search” in the normal search box.
- You can also exclude words by entering them in “None of these words”.
- In the field below you can enter hashtags to be searched for, for example “Chip”. You also have the option of specifying the language of the tweet.
- You can also search for tweets from specific accounts and narrow down the publication date of the tweets.